August 2021
We have been working on great new features for you with our latest update. The Magical Unicorns are getting an upgrade!To download the update, open your installation of AfterShoot and you should be able to download and install the new update. You can also go to “Help” in the top menu above the logo, and select “Check for Updates” to download and install the update! (If you’re still using the 2.3 version? You’re missing out on a lot of good things!)


  • Hotfix update that fixes broken ‘Export to a folder’
  • Bug fixes with broken image showing up for new users
  • Windows Users: This update will remove previous error messages that the software was not
    trusted by Windows!
  • AfterShoot will correctly identify different people in group photographs and group them
    correctly (no more missing family members during family formals!)
  • Native Sony A1 support
  • While reviewing images, changing star rating will automatically change the color (and vice
  • Undo functionality for changing stars/color and delete
  • Coach marks have been added to educate you on the available features/keyboard shortcuts
  • Ability to resize the “Key Faces” and “Duplicates” section in the Loupe View
  • Retain the zoom level while switching through images in the Loupe View
  • Fixed a bug with mismatched number of images in Quick Filters and Custom Filters
  • Ability to re-link a missing/renamed folder
  • Fixed a bug where old completed albums will start culling randomly
  • Fixed the issue where some albums will randomly take up more storage than expected
  • Grid will always retain the position on coming back from the Loupe
  • Preferences screen is now a popup! No more losing the album you were on before opening

AfterShoot has now culled over 50 MILLION photographs, and that number is quickly going up; we now cull more than 1 million images every 2 days.What does this mean for you? As AfterShoot is working more, it is learning more. How cool is that?!
Thank you for all of your helpful suggestions as we continue to make AfterShoot the best AI culling software available. YOU make AfterShoot the incredible time-saving, stress-reducing, life-gaining software that it is.As always, we thrive on your feedback. If you have any questions, concerns, or find any bugs, please reach out to Support through the software and we will respond as quickly as possible.

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