Frequently Asked Questions

Why AfterShoot?
As Photographers and creatives, you should be able to spend our time on things that are most important to you!
Culling is often time taking and the most non-creative part of the photography workflow and hence we built AfterShoot to help you get precious hours back in your life!
What Platforms, Softwares and Image Formats do you support? All of them!
AfterShoot is compatible with both Windows and Mac (including the new M1 chip).
We also support Lightroom, Capture One and all the other leading photography tools.
As far as Image formats go, we support all the leading RAW formats alongwith JPEGs and PNGs.
What makes AfterShoot different from other AI culling apps?

As compared to other Culling apps that aim to provide incremental improvements to your workflow, AfterShoot aims to do it for you while still letting you retain the entire control over the selections.


But enough from us, why don't you try AfterShoot and see for yourself? 😉 


9 out of 10 users who try AfterShoot, never go back to the old way of culling their images again!

I shoot XYZ, is AfterShoot for me? Probably

Personally, we've found that AfterShoot works the best for Weddings, Events, Portraits/Model and Journalist shoots.

That said, if your photoshoot involves humans, AfterShoot should work without any issues.


Some of our users have also reported that they found AfterShoot to be extremely useful with Product and Landscape shoots as well!

How much does AfterShoot cost? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The pricing for AfterShoot can be found here.
How secure is AfterShoot? Very!
AfterShoot runs locally on your machine and does not upload your images anywhere.
If you want, you can opt-in for our optional image sharing program which uses the images culled by AfterShoot to help make it better.
Can I make changes to AfterShoot's selections? Yes
Yes you can! 
AfterShoot comes with a powerful Loupe View that lets you Inspect Faces, Review Duplicate Images, and much more with fully customizable keyboard shortcuts to your liking.
Will AfterShoot reject my important images? No

Whenever AfterShoot detects more than 1 similar image, it will always pick out the best ones from them thereby ensuring that you never miss out on any image!

I have more questions, where can I get in touch with you?
You can either send us an email at or create a post in our Facebook Group.
We strive to provide best in class support to our users (paid or not), so rest assured; you're in good company!
Will AfterShoot work with my Camera? Yes

Short answer, yes!

Long answer, we support all the leading camera manufacturers. If the camera is supported by Lightroom / Capture One, it is supported by us!

Can I cull JPEGs in AfterShoot? Yes

AfterShoot can automatically identify the file format (raw/jpeg) and assign star and colors to the photos.


For JPEGs, it stores these in the ITPC metadata whereas for raws, it does so in the XMP files.

How do I update my copy of AfterShoot?

AfterShoot can be updated directly from the app.


It checks for available updates on every launch and you can also check for updates manually by going to 'Help -> Check for Updates' from within the app.

How do I uninstall AfterShoot?

On mac, you can do so by moving from your Applications folder into the Trash.

On Windows, you can do so by double clicking AfterShoot.exe from the Control Panel.


P.S. Before you uninstall AfterShoot, let us know what we can do to make it better. It would go a long way!

AfterShoot won't update for me, what do I do?

If you are getting an error while trying to install a new update, deleting the app and downloading a fresh copy from will ensure that you have the latest version installed on your system.

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